The right Way Service Team: held the third regular meeting of 2017-2018

Right path Service Team: conveneThe third regular meeting of 2017-2018


September 29, 2017, Shenzhen Lions Cluteamob Righwaywardt Path Service TeamThe third regular meeting of 2017-2018 was successfully held in Shangpinju Restaurregularityant, Seaview No.2 Road, Yantian District. Captain Li Xuegang, Secretaserviceablery Liu Guotai, Finance Han Honghua, General Affairs Denregular是什么意思英语g Junjie,Director Zhang Aiming, etcFifteen people attended thteam是什么意思翻译e meetinmeeting腾讯会议g. Zhang Fuloregular的名词ng, the first vice captain of the lion Love football team, and Wteambitionu Huixun, the general manager of the Hand-in-hand servicteamproe team, attended thmeetingse meeting.The meeting was chaired by Liu Guotai.

At the meeting, the lions askedNew lion friend Yang ZaimaoJoin the pmeeting是什么意思athThe service team welmeetingtencentcomcomes yright的反义词ou.The lion friendmeeting是什么意思sPositive conclusionRecent activitieregular是什么意思英语sThe deficiency and improvwaysement ofMethods.Zthird的基数词hang Aiming reports on two cancerregular翻译 screeningactivityAccording to the introduction,Represents the plan for the current yearEighty companies are offering free screeningright的同音词是什么 services for women with two cancers, and tmeeting的音标he campaign needs to be strengthened. Du Taomeeting腾讯会议zhe reportedway翻译 on the project, pointinright nowg out that his company has arranged 30 disabled people to work.The residualFor peopleOn the jobTo compareSerious and pragmaticAnd for theThe disregular什么意思abled provide employment opportunitiesenterprisright是什么意思ecanenjservice是什么故障灯oyTax breaksPrright是什么意思eferentiaright是什么意思l policies.He called for morright的反义词eThe lion friservicebioends enterpriseJoin the ranks of the disabled.

Lion friends discussed and approved the change of the double Ninright nowth Festival activitiregular的名词es and the service team next瓦窑堡 regular meeting time and other matters, and discteam是什么意思翻译ussed thservice的名词e upcoming in Novembthird的基数词er to carry out guizhou, Gansu, Hubei, Jiangxi electric classroom assistance activities.


wen/ Contributed by The Right Path Service Team

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