Second member management Committee: hold the first lion business exchange meeting

Second member management Committee: hold the first lion business exchange meeting

On the afternoon ofsecond July 20th, 2016, the first lions exchange meeting of the second member Management Committee of Shenzhen Lions Club for 2016-2017 was held in Cuigu Building, Siexchangelver Lake. Smanagement中文u Zeran, Executive Director of Lfirstions Associatmembership什么意思啊ion and Chairman of China Lion Foundation; Shi Jianyong, President of Shenzhen Libusiness-methodons Club 2016-2017; Zeng Shiyang, Secretary-general; Zheng Guoping, Chief Inspector; Zhang Hongxiang, Zhang Jian, Deputy Secretaries-General; Deng Yi, Weng Hua, Zheng Yukuan, Guo Yongyong, Li Feng, Chairpersons of membership Management Committee; Partition QuZhangmember造句, chairman of the good, the operation should be prosperous, Ken ng, he paid, such as, Chen Zong, Zhang Huiqing, Chen Hang, Pehold不住ng Daojmanagement怎么读音iahold翻译n, dao-ming wang, &schwarz, director, branchmember可数吗 head ShiJun, lion enterprise services committee chairman Liu Quanshi, branch Luo Junping lecturers, li xiang, Wang Danya and second membexchange翻译er of thlion是什么意思e management committee and the servicmembers marke captain, vice captain, secretarycommittee, finance and so on more than 80 people attend the msecond怎么读eeting. He Xinru is the executive chairman of the conferenfirst翻译成中文ce, while Wu Jian and Chen Zong armember怎么读e the excommittee翻译ecutive vice chaexchange用法及搭配irmen. The meeting was chairsecondlove日剧ed by Wu Jian.

After the introduction by Weng Hua, the captains of the service teams from the 4hold是什么意思th,committee翻译 5th and 6th divisionsbusinessman came to the stage one by one to introduce the development and retention of the members of the service team, the meeting status and service activities respectively.

During the meeting, Mr. Luo junping gave a lecture entitled “Hobusinessman翻译w to Successfully carry out Liexchangedons Club Service Activities”, explaining what lions Club service activities are, the elements of effective service, how to organize service activities, sehold onrvice case shariexchange翻译ng, etc., so that everyone had a better understanding of the procesecondscreen下载ss, implementation, pumanagement是什么意思英语blicity and promotion of service activities. Zhang shijun briefly explained to the pmember可数吗articipants some basic knowholdledge of “How to run thefirst翻译成中文 semanagement中文rvilion的中文意思ce team’s council and regular meetings well”, providing guimanagement中文dance for the service team to standardizcommittee是什么意思e the meeting.

Mr. So shared his experience of lion walking and the importance of the service team in standardizing lion work,secondhand and presented the liofirstns Centennial Medasecondl to Mr. Wenbusiness是什么意思g Hua, Mr. Wu Jianfirst青年电影展, Mr. He Singru and Mr. Chen Zong.

Liu Quanshi explained in detailmanagement什么意思 the main ways and projects of lion Enterprise servicemanagement翻译,exchange造句 so that lion friends had a better understanding of thebusinessman翻译 main work of lion Enterprise service Committee.

In his speemember怎么读ch, President Shih kicommittee和commission区别n-wing fully recognized the achievements of the service teams of the second Member Management Committee and commended the district chairmen, district chairmen and service captains. He hoped that the service teams would not onexchange用法及搭配lybusinessman翻译 make efforts to retain members, but also establish new services and develop new membermanagement是什么意思中文翻译smember翻译, and actively promote thesecond什么意思 service team to a new level.

By Hu Lei

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