Lions Club of Shenzhen launched the “Red Lion Costume? Donation ceremony of Assisting the Disabled

The Lions Club of Shenzhen held a donation ceremony for the “Red Lion Costume Disabled Station”

&costume造句nbsp;         On September 22, 2015, the Mid-Autumn Day and National Day condolence and donation ceremondonation翻译y of Shenzhen Lions Club “Red Lion Costume Disabled Stationclubmed官网预订” project was held in Ailian Community Service Center of Longgang District. Shenzhen lions club President of 2015深圳地铁线路图-2016, Lin Tao, first deputy chairman ShiJianYong, second deputy chairman YuQian, former President of wear深圳大学 with xin and his wife, secretary-general, deputy secretary-general Zhlionelang Hongxiang Zeng Shi and member management committee chair热点man Liao Ronghui (east), the first partition, lily, sixth division President mining-team wide, 7 Zheng Hehua, chairman of the partition, partition chairmadonation翻译n Luo Junping 13, More than 200 people深圳疫情最新消息 attended the event, including kuang Holionkkng, chairman of the Committee for Poverty Alleviatidonations是什么意思on and Assistance to the Disabled, representatives of distrlions翻译ict council, committees and servicedonation翻译 teams, Zeng Hongbo, representative of Longcheng Street Office, Xu Ying, representative of Ailian Community, and members of Light up Life Art Troredisupe. At the same time, under the leadership of Cao Yingwang, thcostume可数吗e representatives of the eighth class of the leadership college also came to participate in the activity.

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&nbrelaunchedsp;         Through on-site communication, ldonations怎么读ion friends expressed heartfelt admircostumeration for the op深圳疫情最新动态timistic and positive attitude of the art troupe members. Shenzhen Lions Charity Collection Sdonationservice team donated 30,000 yuan in cash to the art troupe for the disabled; Service teams from Xin ‘anceremony是什么意思, Tredmihe Main association, OVERSEAS Chinese Town, Xiangshan, Binzhi, Central District, Jiangshan, Hualei, Longcheng, Huayceremonyuan, Longlions的音标teng, Nanhadonationi, Mingjiashan and Huaxiang alsocostume party donated riccostume是什么意思英语e oil, moon cakes, disinfection cabinets and other materials to the art troupe, worth 40,000 yuan, with a total service fund of 70,000 yuan. Tien and The Departure Service team signed an agreement with Kengzi and Huaqiang Street Occupational Healdonation什么意思thclubs Center respectively to form a pair of “Red Lion Ccostumerlothing Disabled Station”. Xiong Jun, the leader of the charity collection service team, expressed his blelionsgatessingdonations怎么读 to the recipients on behalf of the donation unit.

&nbsred怎么读p;  costume是什么意思英语       Yu Qian,clubmed官网预订 the secodonation动词nd vice Prelions英语怎么读sident of Shenzhen Lions Club, introduced that the project of “Red Lilion复数on Clothing and Supplion是什么意思中文翻译orting station for the Disabled” was a community service project specially launched by Shenzhen Lions Club in 2012-2013 under the active plion复数rodonation什么意思motion of Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation. In the past three years, 57 service teams of Sh深圳大学enzhen Lions Club teamed up with 57 street深圳天气 occupational health centers in shenzhen to carry out “one-to-one” fixed-point services, providing holiday sympathy, lion love lunch, donation of rehablion的音标ilitatreductionion深圳风险等级 training equilions的音标pment, outdoor travel and other services for the disabled for nearly 300 times, with an investment of 3 million yuan. This year,lionsgate the 57 service teams of Shenzhen Lions Club will continue this brand service activity to provide help to the disabled. Especially around the Chuseok and National Day holidays, visit them and send gifts to them.
          President Liceremony复数形式n Tao thanked longcheng Street Office and Ailian comceremony复数形式munity for supporting this activity. She introduced the culture of Shenzhen Lions Club and the return visit of this year’s “Walking wilion复数th Dreams” charity project. In recent years, lions Club shenzhen haslions翻译 established its service activitdonationies in Shenzhen, rdonation翻译elying on the streets and communities to plion是什么意思中文翻译rovide local people with mediclion怎么读al calion是什么意思中文翻译re, acostume什么意思ssistdonationance for the disabled, education, orphans, poverceremony和celebration的区别ty alleviation, environmental prorelaunchedtection and other services. This year, with the theme of “Walking with dreams”, shenzhen Lions Club will not only inherit the traditional brand slions的音标ervice projects, but also provide supporting service funds of 1 million yuan, encourage the oceremony的名词ld service team to lealioneld the new service team, and encourage the old lion club to lead the new lion club to jointly visit the objects they once served, and provide assistance to the recipients agredmiain. As a brand servceremony造句ice project of Shenzhedonation怎么读n Lionredmis Club深圳大学, the project of “Red Lion clothing & Disabled Support Station” is one of the most ilionkkmportant projects in the reredisturn vislionsgateit. At the same time, she called on more caring pecostume怎么读音rsonages to join the public service team, pay attention to theceremony造句 vulnerable groups in the community, care for the youth.

  &ceremony用什么介词nbsp;       The art troupe performed wheelchair dance, electronic orgdonation翻译an singing, singing and dancing for thedonation动词 lion friends. Influenced by the spirit of self-improvement of the troupe members, nearly 100 lion friends took the initiative to perform the sign language dance “Grateful Heart” with the disabled people.

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&launched是什么意思nbsp; &nbsclubmed官网预订p;       On the afternoonclubmed官网预订 of the same day, the service teams of Hualin and Tien went to the Street Zhikang Center, which is adjacent to the “Red Lion Clothing • Disabled Station”, to carry out a condolence activity. On the afternoon of the same day, the slionservice teams of Hualin and Tien went to the Street Zhikang Center, which is adjaceclub怎么读nt to the “Red Lion Clothing • Diredsabled Station”, to carry out a condolence activity.

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By Su Zhuangbin & NBSP;   Photo/Lin Wenjie

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