What is the relationship between strap thickness and feel

In actual factory, judge did hang rope cut corners are generally judge hang rope gram, if g is right, the quality is no less, have nothingfeeling是什么意思中文翻译 to dobetween造句 with thickness, hang rope in the process of purchasthickness ofing the customer always asked about how muchrelationship是什么意思英语 is the thicwhatsapp下载kness of the rope, hung by feel feel hang rope is very thin, feel to cut corners, actually the customer have the idea iwhatevers not correct, Let’s explain it to you.

In the production process of lanyard, lanyard and dyeing and irwhat怎么读oning process determinesrelationship是恋爱吗 the thickness and feel of the ribbon will be different!

1. Ribbon weathickness是什么意思ving before dyeing. The temperature of the ribbon will be higher in the process of ironing athickness mapfter dyeing. Ribbon thickness will bstraplezz哪里找资源e a little meager! It will feel smoother.

2. Dye the yarn before weaving the ribbon. In this way, the temperature in the process ofthickness中文翻译 ironing will be lower than that of weaving after dstrap翻译yeingrelationship是什么意思英语, so that the surface of the ribbon will be slightly rough,feelunique中文官网 and the feel will be slightly thicker.

And the heat transfer lanyard is unified ribbon, ifeel是什么意思n the process of transfefeel的用法r. Because the temperature of the transferfeeling是什么意思中文翻译 machine determines the thstrap是什么意思中文ickness of the ribbon and feel is not the same! Actually the lanyard is the same!

This explains why there is no great relationship between the thicknesbetween音标s of the rope and feel. Feel is related to the looseness of the rope. The more fluffy the rope, the thicker the rope, and thickness does not necessarily judge whether the rope has beestrapon三人n jerry-built.

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