How to identify the material of the ribbon?

1, acrylic and polypropylene (PP)


Acrylic fiber scientific name polyacrylonitrile fiber, near the fire softening melting, after the fire smoke, the flame is white, from thowdoyoudo什么意思he flame after the rapid combustion, emitting a bitter smell of burning meat, burning ashes for irregulamaterialpodsr black hard block, hand twist fragile.


Polypropylene fiber scientific name polypropylene fiber, near the flame is melting, flammable, from the fire burning slowly and smoke, the flame at the top yellow, blue,materials emitting oil taste, burning asheshow和what引导的感叹句的区别 for hard round light yellow brown particles, hand twist easily broken.


2, cotton fiber and hemp fiber


Cotton fiber and hemp fiber are just near thehow是什么意思 flame, burning fast, the flame is yellow, smoke bhowdoyoudo什么意思lue smoke. The difference between the smell of cotton burning and ashes after burning is that cotton burning gividentify造句es out papidentify用法er smell, hemp burning gives out grass ash smell; After combusidentify意思中文翻译tion, cotton has very little powder ash, which is black or gray, and hemp produces a smallhowever什么意思 amount of gray powdmaterials是什么意思er ash.


3. Vinylon and chloroprene


Polyvinyl alcohol formaldehyde fiber, not easy to imaterialpodsgnite, near flamribbons什么意思中文e melting shrinkage, burnhowing atmaterialize tidentify翻译he top of a little flame, until the fiber is melted into a gelatinous flame becomes laridentifyingger, there is thick black smoke, send out bitter smell, burning left black beads particles can be crushed by fingers.


Polyvinyl chowhloride (PVC) fibhow和what引导的感叹句的区别er, difficult to burn, from the fire thmaterial可数还是不可数at eribbonxtinguishes, the flame is yellow, green and white smoke at the botidentify翻译tom, sending out pungent pungent sour taste, burning ash for black brown irregular haridentify同义词d block,identify同义词 fingers notidentify是什么意思啊 easy to break.


4, spandex and flmaterialisticonidentify用法


Polyurethane fiber, thidentify是什么意思啊e scribbon怎么读音ientific name of polyurethane fiber, near the fire side melting side burning, burning flame is blue, leaving the fire to continuidentify造句e melting, smaterial什么意思ending out a specialhow irritating smell, after burniribbon怎么读音ng ash for soft flribbons怎么读uffy blackribbons怎么读 ash. Fluoron scientific name polytetrafluoron fiber, THE ISO organization said it is fluorite fiber, near the flame only melting, difficult tohow的用法 ignite, not burning, the edge of the flame is blue green carbonization, meltimaterial中文ng and decomposition, toxic gas, melting material for hard rohowdyund black beads. Flon fiber is often usematerial中文d to manufacture high performance sewinghowdy thread in textimaterialle industry.


It is easy to identify fiber by cidentifyombustion method, but not eashowever什么意思y to judge blendribbon和feign区别ed product. One yarn from the warpidentify翻译 and weft directions (i.e. straight and horizontal directions) is fired separately.


5, nylon and polymaterialsester


Nmaterial怎么读ylon (nyloribbonsn) scientific name polyamide fiber, nmaterials是什么意思ear the flame is rapidly rolled ihow和what引导的感叹句的区别nto white glue, melting in the flame dribbonrip and bubbribbons怎么读ling, burning without flame, leaving the flame to continue burning, emitting celery taste, after cooliidentifyingng light brown melt is nhowlot eamaterial中文sy to grind.


Polyester fiber, easy to ignite, near the flame that is melting, burning while mematerial怎么读lting blmaterial可数还是不可数ack smoke, ymaterial可数还是不可数ellow flame, fragrant smell, burn ash for black brown hard blocks, fingers can be broken.


The wmaterials是什么意思ide application of ribbon, ribidentify的名词bon processing equipment also requires a hidentify的名词igh degree of automation, exquisite effect requirements.

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