Supreme process of medals – Movie plating

.; What is the product made? Why do you have such a runner to pay attention?
.;medals读音 tmovies是什么文件夹hings arprocessone rare, fine and beautiful, with this ten words to describe such medmovies翻译als.
.; Not only because of its extremely raised electroplatmovies是什么意思英语ing process, but also the very precise molds can be cast.

.; This medal is combined by the city walls and 2 dragons around the wall.
.; The cleavage of densely labeled wall tiles is just right. This requires a very precise machine that can engrave the mold, while the die casting needs to grasp the time and raw materials, each step is very strict, and it can be compressed to cast such a mold embryo.
.; Two gods inlaid over the city wall are the pen of this medal.
. . nmedal是什么意思bsp; . Red Dragon, iplating codes aplatinglso toprocessiontem of our motherland, using red paint completed.
.; The following dragons are derived from the Western Dragon, which is mademovie of rare magical plaprocessionting.
.; We are usually seen in colors such as gold-process翻译plated copper nickel, and this magic color platiprocessng is very strict, very rare.
. u002processing6 .; . Tsupreme翻译hese two from the Chinese and Western Shenlong have extraordinary significance, meaning the friendly blend of East Western culture, refmovies是什么文件夹lecting the spirit of sports, and does not dsupreme手表iviprocessde the country. Coupled with a rigorous and rare electroplating process makes the whole medal quite commemorable, it is said to make the limited edition when it is done!
.; Dmovie可数吗o you have this medal in your hands?
. uplating layer.; . uprocession是什么意思002medals音标6 .; Related Searches: Medals Custoprocessmized Manufacturers

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