Hualin Service Team: held the 11th regular meeting of 2020-2021

On May 25, 2021, the 11th regular meeting of Shenzhen Lions Club Hualing Service Team for the year 2020-2021 was held in the Conference room of Guangdoregular是什么意思英语ng Guan华凌空调gdong Dheld过去式和过去分词ecoration and Construction Group,桃花源记 One Constru华林证券ctiomeetingtencentcomn Group, Futian Cultural Innovation Park. Hualin Service captain Li Xuefei, first vice captain Huang Weijun, second vice captain Luo Zhenqiang, former captain Chen Xinya,held是hold的什么形式 general affairs Chen Xiaoxuan and other nine people attended the meetservice和serve的区别ing. The meeting was chaired by Liu Kuan and presided over by Li Xuefei.meeting翻译


Captain Li Xuefei summarized the activities of helping the dthoughisabled on May 15, and urged everyone to fulfill their membership oblregular什么意思igations and pay membership dues actively. She sregularaid that the next step of the wo桃花源记翻译rk oservice和serve的区别f the Hualin褪黑素 Service wheld的原型ill be to prepare for the transition and the charity auction party. She hoped that everyone would actively participate in the preparation work, practicemeeting是什么意思 the spirit of “Four out”, and make suggestions and suggestions to lay a foundatioteambitionn for the woservice是什么故障灯rk of the Hualin Service next year.



Writing/teamsDang Wei

Photo/Li Xuefei

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