The Party branch of Shenzhen Lions Club participated in the epidemic prevention and control activities in Nanyuan Street

In accordance with the requirements of the Organization Department of the CPC Municipal Committeeparticipate的意思 and the unified arrangement of the Party Committee o深圳天气f Slions翻译中文henzhenepidemic翻译 Disabled Persons’ Fedcontroleration, Four party members, including Luo Qiwei, deputy director of the Publicity (rights protection) Department of the Municipal Disabledparty是我家 Personlions翻译s’ Fedlions翻译中文eration, Chen Haixbranches翻译in, level 4 researbranchingcher, Lai Zhuoni, member of the Party Branch of Shenzhen Lions Club, and Hucontrol Lei, party member, went to the Demonstration site of Community ebranchespidemic prevention in Nanyuan Street, Futian District to carry out the publicity camclub翻译paign of “All the people are healthy against COVID-19”.

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During the event, party member volunteers and community workers put on masks and took to the streets, focusing on checking the health codes of past residents and dlions翻译istributing pamphlepidemicets on eprevention翻译pidemic prevention knowledgeclub翻译. Those who did not wear masks were given masks for free, reminding citicontrollingzens to actively vaccinate and protect themselves, helpicontrol键是哪一个ng people eliminate the epidemic panic and strengthen thcontroleir深圳地铁线路图 confidence.

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Party members and cadres of all party branches of the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation actively responded to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s call to “let the Party flag fly highprevention in the frclubmedont lclubine of the fight against the epidemic”. Everyepidemics week, four party members from two Party branches volunteered to participalionste in the epidemic prevention and control work in the stbranch的复数reets, and implemented the arrangement深圳市最新疫情 of “one-to-one” connection between the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation andparty的中文 the epideclub是什么酒mic prevention alions的音标nd control in the stcontrollablereets of Nanyuan. We will play a pioneering and exemplary role in community volunteer work for epidclubemic prevention and control, follow the guidance of Palions翻译rty building, and build a “batepidemic situation翻译tle fortress” for epidemic prevention and control.

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At the moment of crisis, thbranchese prevention and control o深圳天气f the epidemic is related to the overall situation of people’s health and social stability. The memberclub是什么酒s of all party branches oepidemic怎么记忆f tlions的音标he Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation have unified their thoparticipate的名词ughtlion是什么意思中文翻译s, obeyed the cbranchesommand, grasped the difficulties,epidemic是什么意思中文翻译 took pparticipate的名词形式ractical actions, and assumed the mission to escort tcontrol翻译he people’s health. They are sure to win the battle of epidemic preventilions英语怎么读on and control!


control什么意思 Text 】 Hu & NBSPprevention怎么读; grey

[Photo] Nanyuan Street Office

[Edit] Ma Huijuan

Ke Wuyue

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Offiparticipate的用法ce

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