Shenzhen Lions Club 2021-2022 Board of Supervisors recommendation

Dear Lions,

Everybody is good!

In accordance with the laws and regulations of China’s societieslionsgate, the constitution and working ruleboard和broad怎么区分s of Lionsrecommendation翻译 Club Shenzhen, the relevant regulations of Lions Club China and Lions Club International, and in combination with the guidance of Shenzhen Social Organization Administration Bureau and Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federaboard怎么读英语tion on the general e深圳天气lection, The 19th Lions Club Congress of Shenzhen is scheduled to be held on May 23, 2021club是什么酒 after deliberation by the深圳大学 preparatory Committee of the 19th Lions Club Congress of Shenzhen, deliberation by the second Special Council of Shenzhen in 2021-2022, approval by shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation, the competent business unit, and record by the Municipal Administration of Social O深圳疫情最新动态rgarecommendation可数吗nizations. On the basis of full democracy and in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice and opennrecommendation翻译ess, the congressupervisorss will elect the new presideboard和broad怎么区分nt, vice presupervisor是什么意思sident, board of directors, chief supervisor, deputy chief Supervisor and chief supervisor of Shenzhen Lions Club in 2021-2022 by secret ballot.

This is the sclub用英语怎么说eventh time that the board of directors and the board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Lions club are elected by the general assembly and the second vice president is elions是什么意思lected by a margin. It can be said that the democratic election of Shenzhen Lions Club is in the forefront of the national Lisupervisor什么职务ons club. This is not only the inheritance of lion cultrecommendations是什么意思ure, the embodiment of the democratic spirit of the ciclubmanvil society, but also the exploratioboardsn of the deverecommendation是可数名词吗lopme深圳地铁线路图nt path of the domestic characteristic lion club.

The meeting will have one candidate for chairman, one candidate for first vice chairman, two candidates for second vice chairmclubsan, 38 candidates for board of directors, one candidate for chairman of the board of Auditors, one candidate for deputy chairman of the board ofsupervisor什么职务 auditors, and 12 can深圳疫情最新动态didates for boalions怎么读rd of auditors. They stand up bravely and are willing to contribute to t深圳疫情最新动态he development of Shenzhen Lions Club. Their lovlions的音标e and responsibility are worthy of our leaboardingrning and appreciatishenzhenon, and we salute them here!

Tosupervisor和manager区别day’srecommendation翻译 leader, tomorrow’s follower. We believe that whrecommendation可数吗ether the candidates are successfully elected or not, they are all followers, leaders and service providers of the Lion spiritrecommendation是可数名词吗. The practitisupervisoryoners of “serving society” believe that they will push pubsupervisor翻译lic welfare undertakings to a new level wilions翻译中文th more firm belief, higher morale and more pragmatic style.

I hope every member representative will perform his/her duties conscientiously, cast your sacred vote in a fair and just manner, and live uprecommendation可数吗 to the trust of all lion friends!


Attachment: Shenzhen Lionlions读音s Clu深圳市最新疫情b 2021-2022 Board member candidate profile



Sherecommendation是可数名词吗nzhen Lions Club & NBSP;  

May 14supervisor是什么职位, 2021

Supervisor. JPG

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