Strengthening institutional learning and enhancing the ability to perform duties — The Performance training held by the Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Lions Club in 2020-2021

On September 13, 2020, lions Club Shenzhen successfully held the 2020-2021 Training for the performance of supervisory Board in the Lions Club office in Shperformance可数吗enzhen. Thestrengthening supervilearningenglishwithgrammar翻译sors and superenchanting翻译visorsenchanting learned the Code of Ctrainingpeaksonduct for members of The Liability的形容词ons Club of Chinperformance是什么意思英语a, the Code of Conduct forability的形容词 members of thelearning和studying的区别 Lions Clenchanting翻译ub of Shenzhen, and the Work Minstitutionalizeethod for supervisors of the Lions Club of Shenzhen. Understalearning是什么意思nd the recent work ofduties the Board of Supervisors and the next work arrangement; The ways and means of supervisi读帖三要素ng cinstitutional是什么意思ommissioners’ work are discussed.

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Shenzhen lions club supervisor XiaoXingPintraining什么意思g, vice supervisor long Tan Fei, secretary general operformance是什么意思英语f the board of supervisors Xu Qiubin, supervisors WuYuQiong, dao-minperformativeg wantraining衣服品牌g, Tang Haozhi, zhu feng, iwslt good, why to pay such as, Huang Shaofang, supervision on the commissioner Lu Jin, Qiu Hongying, He Yuanzhen, xiao-ning liu, Zhang Hongxiang, wen-hao lu, Huang Yishao, Deng Qiu playmate, He Yongan a total of 19 people were pability造句resent at the meinstitutionalized肖申克的救赎eting. The meeting was chaired by Xiao Xingping and Xu Qiubin.

Supervisor Xiao Xingping organized the students to learn the code of Conduct for members of Lions Club in China, the Code of Conduct for members of Lilearning翻译ons Club in Shenzhen, the Work Method for supervisors of Lioenchantingns Club in Shenzhen and other relevant systems. She pointed out that the members of the board of Supervisors should strictly abide by the rules and regulations of Shenzhen Lions Club and carry out suptraining翻译ervision according to the rules and regulations and supervislearningmallxjtluion procedures. The Board of Supervisors supervises the council and the speciaduties的意思lized working institutions to comply with the national laws and regulations, the association’s articles of association atrainingnd various systems, to perform the resolutions of the member congress, to put forward opinions and suglearning chocolategestions on the work of thelearning和studying的区别 Council and the standingenchanting Council, and to do “not offside, good position, not shoinstitutionalrt of position”. She said that the board of Supervisors is a supervisory body, nolearningt an executive body, the members of the Board of supervisors to carry out supervision as a coorlearning的音标dinator, find problems to actively communicate and cinstitutionaloordinate, and strive for small, sinstitutionalmall incidents.

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Subsequently, Tan Fei, dperform什么意思eputy chief supervisor, briefed the board of Supervisors on the lion work in the near future. Recently,training the Board of Sulearning是什么意思pervisors held a symperformance翻译posium of superenhancing是什么意思visors and a meeting of appointed supervisors; Atlearning和studying的区别teinstitutionalize翻译nding meetingsenhancing翻译 of the elecinstitutional翻译ted council and the special Council as noninstitutional翻译-voting delegates; The annual Work Plan of The Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Lions Club 2020-2021, The Outline of the Annual Activities of the Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Lions Club 2020-2021, theperformance是可数名词吗 Division of Work of thperforminge Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Lionperforms Clubperform名词 2020-2021, the Work Requirements of the Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Lionsenchanting Club, the Work Method of the Suptraining翻译ervisor of Shenzhen Lions Club, and other important documentperform的形容词s were adopted. Formulated the dinstitutionalizeutability造句y schedule of the Board of Supervisors; The list of supervisors has been reviewed and approved.

Tan Fei, deputy chief Supervisor

Subsequently, Xiao Xingping supervisor to the commissioner issued a warrant of appointment.

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Xiao Xingping, chief supduties怎么读ervisor, arranged the next step of the lion work of the board of Supervisors. In the near fuperformingture, the Board of Supervisors wilperformingl hold a quarterly symposium to discuss lion work and listen to the supervisors and supervisory coenchantingmmissioners report on related wolearning词性rk; In the middle of Octtraining翻译中文ober, the board of Supervisors plaperform名词nsperformance是什么意思英语 to hold an exchanability的动词ge meeting with the Qingdao representativeperformances office of the Domestic Lions Association.

Secretary General Xu Qiubin said tperform的形容词hat members of the boaperformance可数吗rd of Supervisors should clarify theirability怎么读 responsibilitieslearningmallxjtlu and carry out supervisioinstitutionalizen work in accordance with the law; Strengthen the communication and exchange with the region, the region, the specialized work organization, take the initiative to build a good comenchanting是什么意思munication channel; Adhering to the principle of ftraining什么意思airness, openness and justraining造句tice, we maiperformance的动词形式nlytraining collect and feedback opinions to ensure that alearningenglishwithgrammar翻译ll lion work is carried out in a legal, compliant and orderly manner.

Xu Qiubin JPG.

During the dislearningmallcussion, participants made suggestiotraining造句简单ns and shared many valuable experiences, which laid a good foundation for the board of Supervlearning是什么意思isors to carry out the next work.

Supervisor Xperformativeiao Xingping thank you forstrengthening翻译 taking the timenchanting是什么意思e to attend this training. She emphasized that the supervisors and supervisors should strengthenstrengthening怎么读 the study of the relevant rules and regulations of Shenzhen Lions Club, clarify the scopeperform名词 of responsibilities, and adhere to the principle of “no off-side, good position, no vacancy”. Actively build good communication channels, listen to and see more, timely collection of informperformancesation, in advance supervision is the main, in the event, afterwards supervision is supplemented, and strive to solve problems in advlearning是什么意思ance. Atability什么意思 the same time, she entrusted the secretary general of the Board of Supervisors to follow up the supervision work regularly, and timely infoability的所有形式rmed the mlearningmallxjtluembers of the board of supervisors to attenenhancing是什么意思d the quainstitutionalized肖申克的救赎rterly symposium.

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[Text] Zhou Wenguang

[Photo] Zhou Wenguang

[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen

[Typesetting] Du Shaoheng

Shenzhen Lions Club

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