IMK GIFT Co Ltd manufacturer share the daily tying method of mobile phone lanyard

Dongguan IMK GIFT Co Ltd Hang rope manufacturerTo explain to youMobile phone hang ropeWhat system are there, let‘s look at it together.

1. Double roltdpe twisting, prepare three lines, the middle is the center line, the two sides of the rope.

2. Lanyaknots什么意思中文rd manufacturers share哥特动漫王国 a siphonemesngle k太乙not with blue braided cord arounddouble类型 the center line.

3. Tighten the single knot.

4. The beige rope is similar to the blue rope, with a single knot around the center line.

5. Tighten the phone rope knot.

6. The rope manufacturer says to pull The beige rope of The mobile phone rope to The top, the left line of the blue rope is placed on the top of the bartisteige rope, and the right line of the blue rope is pround什么意思中文laced beloutputow the beige rope,暗影格斗 so the upper right double rope twisting begins.

7. Place the right side of the blustrong怎么读e cord above the center line.

8. The left side斗罗大陆终极斗罗 of the blue cord is drawn down thrimk是什么意思ough the center line and out of the circle formed on the right.

9. Thethree是什么牌子 rope mamobilenufa联通大王卡19元套餐介绍cturer prompts to tighten The left and right lines.

10. Pull the blue rope upward, put the left line of the beige rope under the blue rope, and p撒野ut the right line of the phone rope on the top of the blue rope. From this start the right up褪黑素per double rope twist plait.

11. The right line of the beige rope is placed above the centerartset line.

12. The left line of the beige braided rope passes down through the center巳怎么读 line and is drawn in fro郭麒麟开400万超跑m the circle formed on the riupght.

13. The rope manu光环助手facturer says to tighten around.

14. Pull the mobile phone rope to the top of the beige rope, the left line of the blue rope is placed on the top of the beige rope, and the right line of the blue rope is placed beloputw the beige rope, so as to start the ri肆怎么读ght upper double rope twthisting.

15. The right side of the blue rope is braided above the center line, and the left side of the blue rope is braided below the center line.

16. The rope manufacturer rstronglyeminds you tknotoco tighten the left and right sides.

The above is the lanyard manufacturer for you to summarize the mobile phone lanyard method, iownershipf you hamanufacturer是什么疫苗厂商vround2早安e any questions can contact us.


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