Serving the Future without distractions — Exclusive interview with Tian Xingwang, president of Shenzhen Lions Club 2017-2018

Serve the future without distraction

— Exclusive interview with Tian Xingwang, president of Shenzhen Lions Club for 201president是什么意思7-201future怎么读音8

As time passes, July flies away, and the temperature of summer spreads into the colorfupresidentiall August. Shenzhen Lions Club 2016-2017 tribute and 2017-2018 inaugural ceremony will begin soon. On the occasion of building on the姓王的宝宝起名 past and moving forward, The 2017-2018 president of Shenzhen Lions Club, Tian Xingwang, took time out of his busy schedule to have an interview with reporters from the news agency, which opened a ufuture翻译nique dialogue.

Re天启预报por兴旺的拼音tpresident翻译er:When did you join姓王的皇帝 tinterviewinghe Lions Club? I often see that yowithout me歌词翻译u are busy and dedicated to public welfare. Where does your motivation come from? What have you learned from participating in liwithout me歌词翻译ons club activities?

Wang tian:I joined lions clwithout me歌词翻译ub accidentally in July 2007 when I attended the changing of the service teafuture是什么意思m of the Main Club. When I firstfuture4200 jserving chopsticksoined the Club, I didn’t know much about it,reserving but wdeservinghen I gradually got to know more about the Lions Club, I felt ideservingt was worth paying for. In my optianinion, Lions Club is actually a partserving怎么读icipatory public welfare organization. If youdistraction是什么意思啊 are not involved, how cobservingan you serve and inspire people around you? Since I have identified it, I will do it wtianith undivided attention.

Lions Club International has a history of one hundred years and is a global charity service organization. The Lions Club in China has always bewithout的用法总结en committed to serving the society with love and strength. Lions club npresident翻译ot only creates a platform for lio天启预报n friends to serve tpresident怎么读he societyfuture糖果, but also provides opportunities for lion friends to communicate and interact with each other. Lion friends improve themselvinterview的过去分词es while helping others. In my opin兴旺家族的贵子出生日期ion, “goin田园女g out” is the core of lions Club’s spirit of “without的用法总结goinfuturehendrixg out”. Without “going out”, thinterviewsere would be no serinterviewingies of measures such as “gdistractionsivin姓王的历史名人g money, makinintervieweeg efforts and attending”. I hope lions can actively participate in the service activities as possible and do not marginalize themselves. In additionwithout反义词, I often think how to improve our service? It is bette姓王的宝宝起名r to tepresident和chairman区别ach people to fish thinterview翻译an to give theintervieweem fish, and the bwithout后面加什么est way to serve them is to enhance their abintervieweeility to create a better life. Therefore, I hope that you can give more spiritual an天阿降临d ideological services to the recipients, so as to achieve天阿降临 a higher level of service, rather than just stay in the traditional material level.

Reporter:Wouldpresident you like to talk to us about how you will carryfuture是什么牌子 out your work in the New Year as the president of Shenzhen Lions Club 2017-2018?

Wang tian:This year marks the starting pointwithout me of lions Club Internatiabservingonal’s兴旺 new century. Ipresidential是什么意思n response to thpresidential是什么意思e national strategic concept of “One Belt awithout后面加什么nd One Road”, I and the board of directors will, undtianer the guidance of China Lions Fereservingderation and shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation, Solid prwithout meogress has been made in the annual key work of “service begins with targeted assistance for the disabled, care begins with the he天启预报alth of lion friends, development begins with the satisfaction of lion friends, lion bfuturebassusiness begins with standardized managemreservingent, culturereserving begins with praise of lion frieninterviewer怎么读ds, and frugality begins with the acpresident前面加the吗tiowithout是什么意思n of lion friends”. We will take root in commu星网锐捷nity services by taking the lead of taserving是什么意思rgeted assistance to the disabled, environmental protection, youobservingth services, respect for the elderly, diabet姓王的历史名人es prevention and publicity and other annual key services. At the same timeobserving, based on big data, Lions Club shenzhen will deepen its brand service projects in the way of “platform + sereservingrvice team + collaboration”, so that more people can get real help. We will also take caridistractions翻译ng for lion club members as one of the key points of our annual work. We will care for the physserving chopsticksiinterviewer怎么读cal and mental health天启预报 of lion club members th姓王的皇帝rough healfuture糖果th lectures, free physical fitness tests and group sports. Meanwhile, we wilpresident是什么意思中文l cultivate the interests of liointerview翻译n club members and g天启预报ive full pla天气预告y to the characteristics of li星网锐捷on club. This year, we w天官赐福ill take “improving the qualit兴旺的近义词y of members” as the principle of membership development, help the weak teams, iwithout是介词吗ntegrate the abnpresident是什么意思中文ormal service teams, and increreservingase thserving chopstickse number of health service teams to more than 90%. We hope efuturelearnveryfuture lion can feel the warmth of lions Club. I also believe thatxingwang with thinterviewse full cooperation of the council team and all lion friends, this year’s天阿降临 work objectives will be successfully achieved!

Reporter:Whfuture是什么意思at do you think of the future development of Shenzhen Lions Club?

Wang tian:Lions Club international has a long history, and Shenzhen Lions Club姓王的宝宝起名 has gone through 15 yewithout me歌词翻译ars of development. Lions club today is the crystallization of wisdom and love of all lion friends. The vision, mission and values of Lions are very down-to-earth. With the introduction of the Charity Law, Shenzhen Lions Club wiobservingll definitely de兴旺家族的贵子出生日期velopfuturelearn in a more standardized and healthy directio姓王的历史名人n. The standard opintervieweration of the service team needs the correct guidance of the district council, as well asdeserving mutual communication,without是什么意思 understanding and support amotianng lion friends. In addition, I pers兴旺的拼音onally encourage donations, such as pledginfuture是什么意思g for Huashi Award, etc. We can allocate funds reasonab姓王的皇帝ly andinterview的过去分词 consider returning part of the pledged amount to the se星网锐捷rvice team to support the de兴旺的近义词vefuturebasslopment of serserving翻译vice activities. Without capital base, service activiti田园女es can only be an empty talk.

Tpresident和chairman区别he service of lions club should be pure, practical and without purpose. Lion friends in the servabservingice activities, sho兴旺家族的贵子出生日期uld not only pay attentio姓王的历史名人n to the ceremony and ignore the service itself. Oninterview的名词ly by working hard can we gain real happiness and go further and more steadily on the road of service.

Time slip away in casual, since Tian Wangxing president joined the Lions club, with love, hard work, with practical actinterviewers怎么读ion to interpret a true lion. He talked about every service activities, every love sfuture翻译tory are moving. Einstein onwithout mece sai天眼查d, “The value of afuture4200 person should be judged b天眼查y what he contribut天眼查es, notwithout me by what he haspresident achieved.” This is exactly what President Tian has been follserving翻译owing, he step by step, step by step to realize the self-value of life. This year, we look forward to your success folpresident什么意思中文翻译lowing in the footsteps of president Neptune!

Tiinterview的过去分词me goes by aninterview什么意思d never stops; We serve, to the future.

[Text] News Agency reporter Chen Meihong

[Photo] Agency reporter Chen Meihong

[Edit] Journalist zhao Anni office, Ma Huijuan, Lin Yanfen

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Cfuture糖果lub Office

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