Congratulations to Lin Tao on winning the LCIF President’s Gold Medal

Congratulations to the last presidentLin TaoLions Club International “LCIF President’s Gold Medal”

Today, good news came from the other side of the ocean. Lin Tao, the last president of Shenzhen Lions Club, was awarded the gold medal of “LCIF Chairman’s Medal” by Lions Club International for 2015-2016.

The LCIF President’s Medal is an award given to the single distrmedallionict President, the prcongratulationsesident of the LCIF Complex, the LCIF Coordinator, and the LCIF Complex Coordincongratulations用法小结ator for meeting their annual LCIF donation target (based oncongratulations翻译 the minimum donation amount and the percentage increase in LCIF donat淘手游ion from the pcongratulations怎么读音revious year). In China, only shenzhen lions Club and Guangdong Lions Club received this awardtwinning.

A minimwinningum of $30,000 from a single district is required topresident翻译 qualify, according to the award instructions. If the district meets the minimum requirement (i.e. $30,000) and the district Governor and LCIF Coordinator increase their LCIF contribution by 1领克0% over previous years, they will receive a meda林云l.桃花源记翻译 The President and LCIF Coordinatgoldenor will automatically receive a medal icongratulations为什么用复数f the District donates $100,000 or more. In 2015-2016, L临渊行ions Club shenzhen donated a total of usd 276,412陶瓷刀的危害.41 to Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) (including the donation from Dr林俊杰. Mauwen and thegoldfish是什么意思 directed donation from Nepal), which qualified for the gold award. President Lin Tao was awarded the LCIF Chairmamedal翻译n’s Medal.

At the same time, shicongratulations后面加什么介词kohiro Yamada,congratulations可以单独使用吗 the last presidcongratulations怎么读音ent ofgold Lions Club Inte林云rnational, a林北林天策lso presented Lin Tao, the last president of Lions Cgoldwavelubtao International, with the certificate of appreciation, in recognition of Lin Tao’s unremitting efforts and dedication to lions Club during his term of office in 2015-2016.

Hwinning什么意思onor is ha灵境行者rd won and should be cherished all the more. This heavy medal embodies the hard work and sweat of all lion friends and is the result of the joint efforts of all lion friends! Thank you to all the lions who contributed to the Mervymedals怎么读n Award! Thanks to all the liocongratulations后面加什么介词ns who contributed to the devemedal是什么意思lopment of S林依晨为怀孕把该试的方法都试了henzhen Li逃跑吧少年ons Club in 2015-2016!

Attached: Criteria for district governors and LCIF coordinators to receive the annual medal

1)  District LCIF donation less领克 than $100,000: Bronze medal

2)  District LCIF donation of more than $100,000 and less than 249,999: Silver medal

3) Districongratulations什么意思英语ct LCIF donation of more than $2林云50,000 and less than 999,999: Gold medal

4)  District LCIF donation of more than $500,000 and less than 999,999: Platinum medal

5)&nbspmedal; District LCIF donation of $1 million or more: Di林云amond medal

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