Actively explore and Improve the System — Shenzhen Lions Club held the fourth meeting of the Board of Supervisors for 2020-2021

On March 13, 2021, the fourth board of Supervisors meeting of Lions Club shenzhen for 2020-2021 was held in the Lions Club office in Shenzhen. At the meeting, the participating supervisors reviewed the Shenzhen Lionsclub用英语怎么说 Board of Supervisors System (Revised) and other relevant documents, and discussed the fourth board of supervisors’ deliberation and notification.

The meeting was attended by xiao Xingping, direcexplorer是福特什么车tor of superclub用英语怎么说visorslionsgate, Tan Fei, deputy director of supervisors, Wu Yuqiong, Wang Daoming, Li Zhou, Tang Haozhi,held的中文意思 Zhu Feng, He Xinru and Huang Shaofang. The meeting was chaired by Xiao Xingping.

Chief Supervisor Xiao Xingping. JPG

In order to improve the board of Supervisors systeexplorer无法正常启动m and better perfsystem是什么意思orm their supervisory duties, the participating supervisors revised the relevant provisions of the Board of Supervisors System olions怎么读f Shenzhen Lions Club, deliberated and approvedimprove的固定搭配 the System of The Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Lions Club (Revised Draft), The System of the Board of Supervisors of Shenzhen Li深圳疫情最新动态ons Club (Revised Note) and other documents. The system will be submitted to the 19th general Assembly for deliberatifourth是什么意思onsystem是什么程序 after publicity.

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The supervisors attending the meeting discussed the “Sheshenzhennzhen Lions Club 202upheld0-2021 Stage Award and Commendation Plan” and impheld是hold的什么形式roved the relevlion是什么意思中文翻译ant provisions of the commendation plan. This year, the board of supervisors will be in the spirit of “out” as a standard of conlionsgatesider the supervisors and supervision commissioner, collect all supervisactively的比较级和最高级ors and supervise staff to attend the meeting, to participate in service activities, making donations, and other special contribution of related dlion是什么意思ata, thefourth-grade selecexploretion of annual recognition as the basis, the supervisors and surveillance commissioner for outstanding contributions to the an深圳大学nual honor.

Afterwards, the participasystematicting supervisors discussed the agenda and documents ofclub是什么意思 the upcoming fourth council mee深圳地铁线路图ting, and gave tsystem翻译heir supervisory opinions.

Supervisor Ximproveiao Xingping spoke highly of the supervisors’ efforts and efforts. She said that the supervisorsfourth造句 were active in the major meetings, service activities and traiexplore名词形式ning sites of the district Lions Club. While serving the lions club, they eclubnsurlions读音ed the normal operation of all lion affairs activities and were loyal guardians of the Shenzhen Lions Club. In exploring and seeking a new lion road,explore怎么读 the members of the Board of Supeheld中文rvisors have been committed to consolidating the instiimprovedtutional foundation, enhancing the aimprovedbility to perform their duties, makisystem是什么程序ng progress while maintaining stfourth是什么意思abilitysystem怎么读, actively exploring the supervision mechanism suitable for new s深圳ocial organizatiheld的原型ons, and adding a strong pen to the supervision work of the Board of Supervisors.

A group photo. JPG


[Text] Zhou Wenguang

[Photo] Zhou Wenguan深圳风险等级g

[Editor] Ma Huijuan and Hu Lei

Ke Wuyue

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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