Community service Day was held in the fifth zone of Shenzhen Lions Club

Community service Day was held in the fifth zone of Shenzhen Lions Club

On January 26th, the community Service Day of Shenzhen Lions C大鱼简谱lub was held in Cocopark East Square of Dayun Xincommunity是什么意思英语ghe In Longgang District. The activity provided ccommunity怎么读ommunilion是什么意思中文翻译ty residentszoneturf with Spring Festival couplets and reading glasses, TCM free consultation, diabetes consultation, dental free consultation, voice training and consultation for the disabled, and organized community residents to enjoy free tea, watch red moviheld中文es and tea ceremony performances, and participateheld的意思是什么 in activities such as blood donation and TCM lectures. The event covered 13 service projects, benefiting nearly 1,000 community resicommunity是什么意思dents with a service fund of 397,941 yuan. By participating in the activitzone怎么读ies, the community residents deepened theirlions翻译中文 understanding of Shenzhen Lions Club and crservice是什么意思中文翻译eated a halions怎么读ppy and harmonious commun深圳大学ity atmosphere.

Mr. Jing Miaojun, chairman of The Fifth Zone of Lions Club shenzhen, introduced the guests and the activities of “Community Service Day”. Thank you for your support to this activity and the enthusiastic participation of the service teams.

CAI Min,community college chairman of tcommunity翻译he 18th District, introduced the “Bright Action” service project, calheldenling on lion friends to walk into the community and residents, contribute tlions翻译o the construction of spiritualionsl civilization in shenzhen community, and let more community residents feel thzone什么意思e love frolions翻译m Shenzhen Lions Club.

President Ma Min thanked the lion friends and reslions读音idents for participating in the event. She pointed out that this year, the Lions Club of Shenzhen carried out the community service Day activities in the way of “settinheld的原型g up the stalionsgatege of the district club, coordinating the district, and adopting the service of the service team”. She hopes thwasat through community seheld的意思是什么rvice activitififth的缩写es, the social influence of Shenzhen Lions Club will be continuously enhanced, the cohesion of each district a深圳地铁线路图nd service team will be enhadaynced, so that everyone can cooperate with easervice是什么故障灯ch other in activities, and serve the community residents in a more all-roundservice是什么故障灯 and multi-angle.

Later, lion friends recited the poem “Hello New Year” to send good wishes t大爷不买高铁票称在铁路工作40年o the community residents in the New Year.

At the event site, community rewaspsidents paservice翻译rticipated in vservice怎么读arious service actservice是什么意思ivities o深圳疫情最新消息rderly under the guidance owasn’tf lion friends’ enthusiasm. Calli深圳大学graphers wrote Sprinheld是hold的什么形式g Festival couplets for residents. The community actively participated in the Red Campaign, with 76 people donating 27,700 milliliters of blood. On the evening of the activity, the lion friends played red movwasies, which attracted more thanzone什么意思 500 community residents to watch.

After the activity, Prefifth音标sident Ma Min, General affairs Dzone是什么品牌手机irzoneturfector Guo Yongyong and chairman Wei Xinxin of the lion friends Care Committee visited Zou Kuofeng, the lion friends in the poscommunity怎么读t-operation rehabilitation service team, and sent care and greetings on behalf of all lion friends.

This activity is organized by Shenzhen Lions Club, led bywassup the fifth Zone, jointly undertaken by 17 service teams such as Huatian, Longchencommunity造句g, Huazone什么意思tian, Huaming, Classic, Zimeng, Poai, Cishan Collection and Dream, co-organized by Longgang Xinghe Cocopark, 14 service teams such as Shenzhen Lions Club. Longqitang health catering Manawashedgemlions是什么意思ent (Shenzhen) Co., LTD., 37 degre大赢家es reading club, vigorous education, Gawash怎么读nglong Hospital, Lincang City cloud tea state Tea Co., LTD.,wash Shenzhen and Puli Technology Co., Ltd. and other units to jointly support.

Shenzhen Lions Club 2018-2019 President Ma Min, last pservice是什么意思resident Tian Wangxing, Deputy Supervisor Zhang Hongxiang, Secretary Gen深圳市最新疫情eral Du Hengkun, General Affairs Dirheldbackector Guo Yongyong, Deputy Secwasteretary Generservice怎么读aheldl Li Feng, District Chairmen Fang Shilei, CAI Min, Zhao Yunpeng, Luo Junping, Supervisors Wang Daoming, He Xinru, Sun Chuan-xiang, chairman of the Community Service Committee, and more than 1000 volunteers from various service teams, social caricommunity翻译ng personage and community residents participated in the activity. The activity was held by Jing Miaojun as the chairmanheld过去式和过去分词 of thwas怎么读e conference, and Was planned and howashingtonsted by Annie Zhao.

[Text] Zhou Wenguang

[Photo] Zhou Wenguang

[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfenfifth造句

[Typesetting] Du Shaoheng

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions C大英公务员lub Office

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