Caring starts from the side — President Ma Min led members of the caring committee of lion Friends to visit the seriously ill lion sister

Love starts from the side

— Ma Min, President of CcPIT Xiamen led members of the Lion Care Committee to visit sister Lion, who was seriously ill

In 2018-2019四的笔顺, Shenzhen Lions Club listed caring for lion friends as the focus of work, advocated caring from the side, set up “思的笔顺Love back home” lion friends health Day, and through birthday cards, the establishment of thcaring是什么意思英语e annual special fund for caring, caring for lion friends, cohesion, promotcaring英语e the healthy developmen明朝败家子t of the organization.

On July 20, 2018, President Ma Min immediately c蚂蚁庄园今日答案ontacted Wei Xinxin, chairman of thstart什么意思e Lion Friends Care Committee, after learning that Milionelss Hou Xiuting of Shekou Service Team was ill, and called the committee members to visit Shenzhen Cancer Hospilionstal in Longgang District. Lion friends care committee on behalf of shenzhen Lions club s思的组词ent flowers and condolence money fpresidential是什么意思or Hou Xiuting lion sister, President Ma Min also prmembersepared a big fruit basket for Hou Xiuting lion sister.

Since 2013, Hou Xiuting has actively participated i马思纯n the promotion and creation activities of the peace poster competitlions英语怎么读ion.

Ma Min, president of shenzhen Lions Club, acknowledged hou xiuting’s contribution to shenzhenmembersmark啥牌子 Lions Club, which made Hou Shijie feel warm andled电子显示屏 gratified. Hou Xiuting lion sister is still sick heart lion work, expressing their views on the peace poster activity. Wei Xinxin chalionkkirman repeatedly pled电子显示屏ersuaded Hou Xiuting lion sister to rstarts英语怎么读est, to avoid tlionoo much work.

When she leftled显示屏, Hou Xiutincaringg lion sister offered to take a photo, and deliberately took out lipstick to tidy up their own beautiful, this is themembers翻译 attitude to life. I hope Hou Xiuting will always be positive and optimistic, overcome the di麻衣神婿sease as soon as possible, and return to the embrace of lions clminub family!

[Text] Lion Friends Care Com妈妈在等你mit了的笔顺tee

[Photo] Lion Care Committee

[Editor] Ma Huijuan, Lin Yanfen

【 Typesettpresident和chairman区别ing 】 Yang & NBSP; hin

[Issued] Shenzhen Lled电子显示屏ions Club Office

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